Named after the 1985 American boxing film, written and directed by Sylvester Stallone, the Rocky IV is as iconic as its namesake. This Reese's Peanut Butter Biggie Shake packs a big punch. It's loaded up with a white chocolate boxing glove, a toffee-covered chocolate marshmallow, a banana and Reese's Pieces buttercream collar, stuffed vanilla soft-serve and Reese's Pieces inside, and topped with peanut butter chocolate monster-sized cookie. The Rocky IV Biggie Shake embodies what JoJo's ShakeBAR is all about. It's about paying homage to the great movies and tv shows from the 80s and 90s so our guests can take a stroll down memory lane with us, enjoy an amazing milkshake, and have a fun time with their friends and family at JoJo's.